Jesus, Help Me
Autor: John O. Foster  |  Album: fara album  |  Tematica: Diverse
Adaugata in 26/10/2007
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1. Jesus, keep me every day,
When I work and when I play,
When I think and when I talk,
When I run and when I walk.

R: Keep me, Jesus, this I pray,
Lead me, keep me, every day.

2. Jesus, make me good and true
In the work I ought to do;
Hold me gently by the hand,
Till I reach the better land.

3. Blessed Jesus, let us know
How our busy feet should go;
Till at last in heav’n we say:
Jesus led us all the way.

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Matei 5:11 Ferice va fi de voi când, din pricina Mea, oamenii vă vor ocărî, vă vor prigoni şi vor spune tot felul de lucruri rele şi neadevărate împotriva voastră!